Davi Rabelo Viana Leite is a highly educated individual with a strong background in Electrical Engineering. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará, a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brasília, and two specializations in Executive MBA in Administration and Regulatory Law. He has expertise in the area of Electrical Engineering, with a focus on smart grids, electronic measurement, hourly rate, limit analysis, and cost-benefit analysis. Leite has a strong academic background and has been involved in organizing international electronic measurement seminars. He has also been a judge in several academic committees and has published work in the field of electronic meters and their economic feasibility in the context of smart grids. Leite is currently employed at the National Electric Power Agency as a regulation specialist and has been working there since 2007. He has an exclusive dedication regime and works 40 hours per week.