• Highlights of 2024
  • 2000+ Participants from 25+ countries | 7 Supporting Ministries, 15 Supporting Organisations and 18 Supporting Media Partners | 30 Key Partners, 20 Exhibitors, 5 Country Partners and 17 Conference Session Partners | 241 Speakers | 16 Thematic Sessions, 1 Master Class | 8 Bi-lateral & Focused Workshops | 2 Special Plenaries | 202 Participants from 32 Utilities | 60 Technical Papers Published and 25 Technical Papers Presented | 66 Winners amongst 11 ISGF Innovation Award Categories

ISUW 2025 Speaker

Gary Perez
Gary Perez
Head of Regional Sales Rest of World, Head of Delivery& Operations Rest of World, Gridspertise Srl

Gary Perez in Gridspertise is Head of Regional Sales and Head of Delivery and Operations in the Rest of the World areas currently including APAC, Middle East and North America. Gary has more of two decades of experience in Enel, managing several departments and projects in the Power Distribution environment. He started his career in the currant Enel X Company, where he worked initially as Head of Design & Projects and Products developments, then as Head of Global Tender Office managing tenders and projects in Italy and abroad in more of 20 countries. He acted also as Project Manager, Energy Manager and member of several Italian standard committees. In 2014 he moved to Enel Grids, initially in charge of Technology Sales activities in the EMEA region with focus on Middle East and then as Responsible for M&A activities in Northern and Eastern Europe. As Technology Sales he managed projects and pilots in several countries both for AMI and Distribution Automation (DA) solutions with different business models. From 2018 to 2024 CMD of Enel Saudi Arabia, a Saudi Enel subsidiary, managing the participation in different opportunities in Saudi and GCC both for AMI and DA solutions.