Mr. Pankaj Agarwal is Secretary, Ministry of Power, Government of India from 1st July, 2023. Prior to this, Mr. Agarwal was Additional Secretory & Director General (Acquisition), Ministry of Defence, Government of India since January, 2022. He was Additional Secretory and Joint Secretary in Cabinet Sectt from 2019 to 2022. Before this, he has held various important portfolios in the Government of Madhya Pradesh. Amongst them, he was Principal Secretary, Public Health Engg., Water Resources, Narmada Volley Development and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in the State Government of Madhya Pradesh. Mr. Agarwal belongs to the Indian Administrative Service of 1992 batch and has wide experience in the area of Health, industry, Infrastructure and Finance in career spanning 29 year’s. He studied Civil Engineering at IIT, Roorkee followed by Moster of Technology in Construction Management at IIT, Delhi and Masters in Public Management at National University of Singapore