• Highlights of 2024
  • 2000+ Participants from 25+ countries | 7 Supporting Ministries, 15 Supporting Organisations and 18 Supporting Media Partners | 30 Key Partners, 20 Exhibitors, 5 Country Partners and 17 Conference Session Partners | 241 Speakers | 16 Thematic Sessions, 1 Master Class | 8 Bi-lateral & Focused Workshops | 2 Special Plenaries | 202 Participants from 32 Utilities | 60 Technical Papers Published and 25 Technical Papers Presented | 66 Winners amongst 11 ISGF Innovation Award Categories

ISUW 2025 Speaker

Vanshika Gazmer
Vanshika Gazmer
Policy Regulatory and Advocacy Associate, NSEFI

Vanshika Gazmer, is a passionate sustainability professional with extensive experience in policy advocacy, renewable energy, impact assessment and skilling. She currently leads key initiatives at the National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI) like skilling, distributed renewables and sustainability, driving strategies for residential rooftop solar adoption, ESG and skilling & workforce development in the renewable energy sector. With an MBA in Sustainability Management from TERI University and hands-on experience collaborating with governmental, national and international institutions she has been instrumental in shaping policy narratives and industry best practices. Her expertise spans renewable energy policy and regulatory, climate change, ESG, skilling, and corporate sustainability, making her a driving voice in the energy transition journey. Today, she brings her insights on capacity building and workforce readiness for a sustainable energy future