Sandhaya Srivastava Shah, is currently heading Government Consumers Cell (GCC) at BSES Yamuna Power Limited which is a premier power distribution utility serving over 1.9 million consumers in central and Eastern parts of Delhi. Post completion of her PG Diploma in Public Relations (Gold Medalist on All India basis from Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan), she completed her Masters in Mass Communications and Masters in English. She has professional experience of almost two decades across various segments in power distribution business such as Distributed Energy Resources, Business Development, Non-Tariff Income, Corporate Communications and CSR. She has been instrumental in aligning the organization towards climate objectives by contributing towards EV charging Infra deployment. Under her guidance BYPL has installed over 100 nos. of EV Charging Stations across Delhi and has positioned BYPL as leading service providers. She has been a part of various decarburization and energy efficiency initiatives viz., Demand Response, Energy Efficient Appliances Scheme, Awareness Programs and many research based assignments in collaboration with various think tanks and industry players viz. CII, NSEFI, TERI, CEEW, ISGF and UNDP. One of her key roles is to develop collaborations to bring in new technology and initiatives which can help power distribution utility for attaining better energy performance levels. Under her able leadership BYPL is able to generate revenue of over INR 150 million from non tariff income/Other Business Income. She has been able to build lasting collaborations which has helped BYPL in bringing in innovation, sustainability and greater customer centricity in BYPL’s service offerings. Her contributions have been recognized in various forums (both within and outside organization). Some of the awards received are as below: 1. Recipient of “Women In Energy Award 2024” for utility sector at IESW (India Energy Storage Week) organized by IESA in May 2024. 2. RACE Annual Award for Dream Team – (Recognize and Celebrate Excellence) received in recognition of outstanding commitment and Team Spirit towards successful completion of project – “EV Charging Infra Development” for FY-2023-24 (July 2024) 3. ‘GOLD’ award for BYPL’ Smart Managed Charging .Station @ Mayur Vihar under Category of Emerging Innovation in Electric Mobility domain – Smart Innovations in Smart charging Infrastructure at 8th edition of ISGF Innovation Awards (March 2023) 4. RACE Award for Dream Team – (Recognize and Celebrate Excellence) received in recognition of outstanding commitment and Team Spirit towards successful completion of project – “EV Charging Infra Development” during Q1 of FY-2023-24 (July 2023) 5. Certificate of Appreciation by The Govt. of NCT of Delhi as runner up in 2022 Switch Delhi EV Awards in the category of Discom with the highest number of charging points installed in Delhi (Aug 2022).