Shri Ashok Kumar Rajput was holding the charge of Member (Power Systems) and Ex-Officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India, Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power since 15-11-2022. He superannuated from the post on 28-02-2025. He belongs to the Central Power Engineering Services, 1986 exam batch. He joined CEA in the year 1988 as Assistant Director. Prior to this he was holding the post of Chief Engineer, Research & Development (R&D) Division of CEA where he was handling the works related to Standardization, scrutiny of R&D proposals being taken up by Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Green Hydrogen and Make in India Policy of Government India. He did his B Tech (Electrical Engineering) from GBPUA&T, Pantnagar (Nainital), UP in 1985. He holds a M. Tech degree in Power Systems from IIT, Delhi. During his 39 years of tenure in Power Sector, he has immensely contributed in the field of Planning and development of transmission system consistent with the Electricity Act, 2003 and policies thereof, O&M of thermal Power stations, promotion of best practices and implementation of efficiency measures, Distribution System Planning, Electrical system equipment Standards/Specifications, Regulatory issues in Power Sector System, Formulation of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) and Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS), Formulation of Schemes for development of sub-transmission and distribution in North- Eastern State to be covered under Non-lapsable Pool of Resources (NLCPR), Promotion of Best practices in distribution. Restructuring of Power Sector in India and its Impact Assessment etc. He was instrumental in conducting evaluation of the Renewable Energy Management Centers (REMCs) set up in the RE rich States paving the way for effective forecasting, scheduling, dispatch and management of the RE sources in real time mode. He also played a key role in bringing out of the Steel Quality Control Order and also the Quality Control Order on transformers, with the implementation of which the Scrap CRGO has been stopped coming in to the Country, enhancing the life and performance of the transformers. He was instrumental in switching over from Electro-mechanical meters to electronic meters (and implementation of DLMS protocol), smart meters and smart grid initiatives. He has extensively covered the disaster related field activities. Had the experience of power system operation and protection. Has been instrumental in promotion of e-mobility, hydrogen economy, renewable energy, renewable technology, RE integration etc. He is instrumental in the expert committee constituted by Hon’ble Supreme court for assessing the feasibility of laying high voltage underground power lines in the area identified as priority areas in the reports of the Wild Life Institute of India in the States of Rajasthan and Gujarat [Great Indian Bustard (GIB) matter], in the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) Transmission interconnection He has also presented many Technical Papers in workshops/seminars organized by the Council of Power Utilities (India), Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP), IEEMA, ITMA, IITs, Economic Times and other forums etc. He was also member of the committee for finalizing the Technical Glossary on Power under the aegis of Ministry of Power and published by the Commission for scientific and Technical terminology, Ministry of Human Resources development (HRD), Government of India (Bilingual English –Hindi). He also owns the onus of many technical publications in Hindi also on the issues of loss Reduction, Standardization; Control of theft of Electricity, Distribution System Planning aspects, Meeting loads of high Load density rural areas etc. He has in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and has deep interest in Research & challenging areas of the Power Sector