Terry Mohn is a smart grid and microgrid expert focusing on the diverse applications of renewable energy. Most of his work focused on the integration of smart grid and distributed resources into various grid topologies. He formed General Microgrids, a global solution provider for renewable energy technologies and transformational microgrid development and is presently chairman of the Australian Microgrid Centre of Excellence and a founding member of The International Microgrid Association. He was previously Contracting General Manager of Advanced Developments at Horizon Power, an electric utility servicing regional and remote Western Australia and was also Chief Innovation Officer of BAE Systems energy business, as well as Chief Technology Strategist for the Sempra Energy utilities in the United States. Terry served as chairman of the Microgrid Alliance and chairman of the mini-grid work team in the United Nations Foundation “Sustainability for All”. In addition, he was Vice Chairman of the GridWise Alliance, the US’s preeminent thinktank addressing its electric system modernization plans. He also served as advisor to the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. Specialties include: Integrating renewables into a balanced energy plan for industries, businesses, cities and sustainable communities with high-penetration distributed resources; and an expert in DERMS and VPP solutions and architectures. Terry holds patents in broadband media, medical equipment and utility infrastructure technologies