• Highlights of 2024
  • 2000+ Participants from 25+ countries | 7 Supporting Ministries, 15 Supporting Organisations and 18 Supporting Media Partners | 30 Key Partners, 20 Exhibitors, 5 Country Partners and 17 Conference Session Partners | 241 Speakers | 16 Thematic Sessions, 1 Master Class | 8 Bi-lateral & Focused Workshops | 2 Special Plenaries | 202 Participants from 32 Utilities | 60 Technical Papers Published and 25 Technical Papers Presented | 66 Winners amongst 11 ISGF Innovation Award Categories

ISUW 2022 Speaker

Phil Beecher
Phil Beecher
President and CEO, Wi-Sun Alliance

Phil Beecher is the President and CEO of the Wi-SUNAlliance,an industry organization which promotes standards-based inter operable wireless communications products for Smart Utility Networks, Smart City and Internet of Things applications and implements a rigorous testing and certification program to achieve its aims. Phil has extensive experience in wireless communications protocols, standards and testing. He was chairman of IEEE 802.15 TG4g, TG4u and TG4v (wireless standards for Smart Utility Networks for use globally),vice chairman of IEEE 802.15TG4m(TV Whitespace),vice chairman of the WiFi Alliance Smart Grid Task Group, chairman of OpenSG Edge Conformity Task Group, contributing editor to IEEE802.15.4-2006 and has held positions in the US Smart Grid Inter operability Panel(SGIP)Test and Certification Committee,Telecom Industry Association and Bluetooth SIG. He has been an active contributor in the development of communications standards and the specification of test plans for a number of Smart Utility Network standards,including Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Home Energy Management Systems. He is a graduate of the University of Sussex with a degree in Electronic Engineering and hold spatents in communications and networking technology.