A Power System professional with over 40+ years of experience. Helping power industry to design and automation of electricity market, integration of SCADA systems, and OT cyber security implementation, currently consulting to USAID projects in central Asia. Played key roles in developing electricity markets in India, from its inception with Availability Based Tariff (ABT) in 2002 and Open Access in 2008, followed by Power Exchange, Day-Ahead Market, Cross Border Energy Trading, and the recent launch of Real-Time Market. Carried out complete life cycle management and integration of large-scale Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system and Renewable Energy Management Centers (REMC). Pioneered synchrophasors technology in the Indian power system in 2009. Fostered Cyber Security systems in grid operations and smart grids–implemented enterprise-wide whitelisting in SCADA system. Created a customized cyber security framework for the organization. Started usage of indigenous time synchronization in the power sector. Adopted and applied many innovative technologies like AGC, RRAS, SCED, WAMS in power system operation improvement. Conceptualized use of Blockchain and AI/ML in the power system.