Gauri Singh is the Deputy Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency.Ms.Singhbringsmorethan30yearsofexperienceinpolicy,advocacyandprojectimplementation within the field of renewable energy and sustainable development fromIndia andtheinternational system. Prior to joining IRENA, Ms. Singh worked within India’s federal government and at the apexlevelwithinprovincialgovernment.Federally,shewasresponsibleforleadingthedevelopment of the National Solar Mission of India policy in 2010, an early policy frameworkdesignedtodrivesolarpowerdevelopmentacrossthecountry. AttheMadhyaPradeshprovincialGovernment,Ms.Singhsteeredruraldevelopmentprovidingstrategicplanningandimplementationguidanceacrossthestateforlargeinitiatives. Her work involved poverty reduction and sustainable development within ruralcommunities.Shewasalsoresponsibleforspearheadinginitiativesaimedatimprovinglivelihoodsfornearlytwomillionpoorwomenacross thestate. In Madhya Pradesh, Ms. Singh led livelihood projects based on decentralised renewableenergy solutions to support rural artisans and ran an ambitious intervention to restore theflow of 40 rivers across the state, based on the use of remote sensing maps. She also playedakey roleindrafting theframeworkforthestateRighttoWaterAct. Prior to that, Ms. Singh was Director, Country support and Partnerships at IRENA where shewas responsible for regional and country level initiatives and for spearheading partnershipswith regionalenergy andeconomicorganisations.