• Highlights of 2024
  • 2000+ Participants from 25+ countries | 7 Supporting Ministries, 15 Supporting Organisations and 18 Supporting Media Partners | 30 Key Partners, 20 Exhibitors, 5 Country Partners and 17 Conference Session Partners | 241 Speakers | 16 Thematic Sessions, 1 Master Class | 8 Bi-lateral & Focused Workshops | 2 Special Plenaries | 202 Participants from 32 Utilities | 60 Technical Papers Published and 25 Technical Papers Presented | 66 Winners amongst 11 ISGF Innovation Award Categories

ISUW 2024 Speaker

Sreekumar Uthaman
Sreekumar Uthaman

Sreekumar is a Deputy General Manager at ARAI, the leading automotive research and development organization in India, with over 16 years of experience in the field. He has a strong background in electronics and telecommunication engineering, as well as a master's degree in electronics and telecommunications and an MBA in marketing. He also a Certified LabVIEW Developer and a PG Diploma holder in Embedded Systems Design. Sreekumar core competencies include developing, testing, and delivering various instrumentation projects for different vehicle systems, such as electric vehicle chargers, battery management systems, clutches, and underwater communication systems. He also developed software stacks and testers for open charge point protocols and published multiple papers on automotive topics in reputed journals. His mission is to leverage my expertise and skills to create innovative solutions that will enhance the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of the automotive industry.